How it Works
Your Coach Me Strong team – coaches and management – is all about “you first.” We are physical therapists, exercise physiologists, personal trainers, athletes.
But first and foremost, we are your guides, your mentors, and your accountability partners. We are here for you – for your health, and for your fitness.
One the most important element of exercise is consistency. Coaching provides you with a one-on-one relationship with your coach – your guide, your mentor, and your accountability partner.
Your Coach Me Strong coach will be a physical therapist, or an exercise physiologist, or a personal trainer with a vast amount of experience working with all stages of Parkinson’s disease, other neurological challenges, and our Gen-O/W – Generation Older/Wiser.
And most importantly, your coach will help you exercise every day. If you have regular workouts already, like Rock Steady Boxing, or yoga, or Pilates, you will keep doing those, and your coach will add workouts to round out your week.
You will experience something athletes have recognized for decades as critical for any program – structured training works. Structured training is a plan. Every workout is built on the previous and future workouts. Your exercise program is divided into cycles – short term and long term – each cycle having a specific, structured goal.
Your daily workouts will be added to your personal calendar in our app. Check your computer or phone or email every day for a new workout, tailored specifically to you by your coach. Complete the daily workout, mark it complete in the app, then send your coach a note about how your felt, how it went, ask any questions, and keep the dialogue going. Communication is key. We do not like “radio silence.”
Want to see if Coach Me Strong is right for you? Contact us to set up a call and we will happily answer all your questions. Click here to contact us.
And more importantly, why do you need it?
Coaching is guiding, mentoring, and building. Coaching is about relationships, accountability, and structure. Coaching is about strength – physical, mental, and psychological.
Your coach is your guide, your mentor, and your accountability partner – someone who holds your best interest first. Someone who will guide you to new levels of fitness while communicating with you daily.
A relationship with a coach is powerful. Contact us to talk about the Coach Me Strong program and see if it is right for you.
Ready to get moving?
Let’s find your perfect coach!