Media, Webinars, and Other Fun Stuff
Health Beat: Parkinson’s
With WNYT’s Benita Zahn
Coach Me Strong co-founder Jeff Seckendorf is interviewed by Benita Zahn of Albany, NY’s WNYT-TV.
Created: July 26, 2021
Aging can bring physical challenges. Now compound that with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. A number of programs have been developed to help keep this population moving, including dance and boxing. A new program done virtually has emerged called Coach Me Strong. Co-creator of the program Jeff Seckendorf.
PMD Alliance Therapy Break™
With founders Jeff Seckendorf, Marty Acevedo, and coach Christina Dihn
Exercise is one of the things that can help slow progression of the disease, but what is best for your lifestyle and abilities? What if you had a virtual personal coach that will work with you individually to develop a structured exercise program that delivers exercises daily to you along with accountability. Coach me Strong is a program that offers one-on-one coaching for those with movement disorders. Join us for an interactive discussion about this format for exercise with coach Jeff Seckendorf and Marty Acevedo as they share how structured exercise can help build strength and improve functional mobility.
Today’s Plan and Coach Me Strong
Coach Me Strong Partners with Today’s Plan to Bring Training Programs to People with Parkinson’s and Other Neurological Disorders. Click here for more info.
Insights from some of our clients and coaches:
Coach Me Strong client Ann Connelly and her coach, Christina Dinh, PT, DPT.
Coach Me Strong client and co-founder Marty Acebedo and her coach, Danica Edelbrock, M.S..
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